Plant Functional Genomics Laboratory, IIT Jodhpur
The plant lab
Room 112 & 210,
Asima Chatterjee Bhawan
Soil-based culture system for seed harvesting
Exclusive equipment for plant molecular biology
1. Plant growth chamber equipped with
photoperiodic culture racks, temperature
and humidity controllers
a) reach-in (Percival I36-LL)
b) walk-in (fabricated; Bhanu Biotech)
2. Laminar air flow cabinet/ Clean bench
for aseptic plant culture (I-Gene Lab Serve)
3. -20°C low-temperature storage (Elanpro)
4. Refrigerated microcentrifuge
Sorvall Legend Micro 21R (Thermo)
5. Electronic weighing scale (aczetR)
6. Magnetic stirrer and hot plate (Neuation)
7. pH meter (Oakton)
8. 4°C Refrigerator (Whirlpool)
9. Vacuum pump with desiccator cabinet
(I-Gene, Tarsons)
10. Microwave oven (Whirlpool)
11. Horizontal DNA electrophoresis system (BioRad)
12. Multiple vortex (Neuation)
13. Hot air vacuum oven (I-Gene)
14. Refrigerated orbital incubator shaker (I-Gene)
15. Computer Workstation for statistical genomics (Dell)
16. Dry temperature bath - Thermomixer C (Eppendorf)
17. Micropipettes sets (Eppendorf, Tarsons)
18. Automatic portable autoclave (I-Gene)
Complementary equipment from Human Genomics
group in the same room
1. PCR Thermocycler
2. UV Transilluminator
3. Non-refrigerated centrifuge
4. water bath
5. Programable refrigerator
6. Liquid nitrogen container
Central equipment from Department/ Collaborators
1. Water purification system (Millipore)
2. Vertical electrophoresis system
3. Semidry blotter
4. Hybridization oven
5. Gene pulser (BioRad)
6. Real time PCR (Agilent)
7. UV transilluminator
8. Microscopes
9. -80°C ultra-low temperature storage (Eppendorf)
10. MinION Sequencer - Oxford Nanopore Technologies
11. HIgh-end equipment in CASE (